Oil Palm Bulletin No. 17 (November 1988) p1 - 8
Oil Palm Yield Responses to P Fertilizer in Peninsular Malaysia
H.L. Foster, Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed, Mohd. Tayeb Dolmat and Zin Z. Zakaria

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 5 (November 1982) p1 - 17
Development of peat soil for oil palm planting in Malaysia – Johor Barat Agricultural Project as a case study
MOHD TAYEB Haji Dolmat

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 4 (May 1982) p46 - 56
The determination of oil palm fertilizer requirements in Peninsular Malaysia Part II:Effect of different environments

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 1 (November 1980) p15 - 22
A note on the seasonal and related variabilities of the palm oil production in West Malaysia
CHOW Chee Sing