Oil Palm Bulletin No. 55 (November 2007) p15-25

Modeling oil palm bunch components, palm oil and kernel yields

HENSON, Ian Eugene

The source-based model OPRODSIM (Oil Palm Production Simulator) simulates fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield based on the assimilate remaining after the requirements of vegetative growth have been met. However, in its initial form it does not take account of pollination as a factor limiting yield, nor does it provide an estimate of palm mesocarp oil (PO) or palm kernel (PK) yields. An additional routine was therefore devised to explore the effects on bunch components of varying pollination level (defined in terms of fruit set), and to provide the yields of PO and PK. The routine was adapted from that used in the model OPFLSIM3 (Oil Palm Flowering Simulator version 3). In that model, fruit set (FS) levels are first simulated based on male inflorescence numbers and male/female ratios at anthesis, and then used to determine the effects of fruit set level on single bunch weight and bunch components. The equivalent routine in OPRODSIM is simpler in that FS is either entered by the user as a constant, or allowed to vary with the age of the palm based on field data. Some results from the model, demonstrating the dependence of PO and PK yields on FS, are presented.
Model berasaskan sumber, OPRODSIM (Oil Palm Production Simulator) mensimulasikan hasil berat tandan segar (BTS) berasaskan baki asimilat setelah keperluan pertumbuhan tampang dipenuhi.Walau bagaimanapun, dalam bentuk asalnya ia tidak mengambil kira pendebungaan sebagai faktor penghalang hasil mahupun menyediakan anggaran hasil minyak mesokarpa (PO) atau isirung (PK). Satu rutin tambahan telah dibuat untuk mengkaji kesan komponen tandan bagi pelbagai aras pendebungaan (didefinasikan sebagai set buah) dan untuk menyediakan hasil PO dan PK. Rutin diubahsuai daripada apa yang digunakan dalam model OPFLSIM3 (Oil Palm Flowering Simulator version 3). Dalam model tersebut, aras set buah (FS) mula disimulasi berasaskan bilangan mayang jantan dan nisbah jantan/betina ketika antesis, dan digunakan untuk menentukan kesan aras set buah pada setiap berat tandan dan komponen tandan. Rutin setara dalam OPRODSIM lebih mudah bagi FS sama ada diguna sebagai pemalar atau pembolehubah berkaitan dengan umur pokok berasaskan data di ladang. Antara keputusan yang diperoleh dari model tersebut ialah pergantungan hasil PO dan PK pada FS.

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