Oil Palm Bulletin No. 64 (May 2012) p29-40

Pathogen interaction: towards understanding and controling basal stem rot in oil palm

NOOR AZMI Shaharuddin ** , MOHAMAD ARIF Abd Manaf *

Ganoderma boninense has been identified as a ‘white rot’ pathogen that causes basal stem rot (BSR) disease in oil palm. In spite of numerous reports on the severity of BSR and its effect on the oil palm industry, no single treatment has effectively tackled the problem. Most control measures have to date continued to give variable and inconsistent results. The current major drawback in combating BSR in oil palm is the lack of sufficient information on the defining mode of action of the fungus and its relationship with oil palm. To gain a deeper insight into the Ganoderma-oil palm interaction, we review here some of the current knowledge in both the physical infection process and the molecular consequences, with reference to general interactions of other pathogenic species towards their host plants.

Ganoderma boninense telah dikenal pasti sebagai patogen ‘reput putih’ yang menyebabkan penyakit reput pangkal batang (RPB) sawit. Walaupun banyak laporan mengenai kemudaratan RPB dan kesannya pada industri sawit, namun tiada rawatan tunggal yang berkesan boleh menangani masalah tersebut. Kebanyakan langkah kawalan yang telah dilaksanakan kini tidak memberi keputusan yang konsisten. Kelemahan utama dalam memerangi RPB ialah kekurangan maklumat lengkap mengenai proses interaksi antara kulat patogen tersebut dan sawit. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih menyeluruh, artikel ini mengupas secara terperinci proses fizikal dan molekular yang berlaku semasa infeksi, disulam dengan rujukan terhadap interaksi spesis patogenik yang lain.

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