Oil Palm Bulletin No. 17 (November 1988) p9 - 20
Decanter Evaluation Trials at Brooklands Palm Oil Mill
Muhamad SuIong ,J.H.Mycock, Nicholas Lim B.H., Tan Keng Tong and Ng Min Wah

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 17 (November 1988) p1 - 8
Oil Palm Yield Responses to P Fertilizer in Peninsular Malaysia
H.L. Foster, Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed, Mohd. Tayeb Dolmat and Zin Z. Zakaria

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 16 (May 1988) p1 - 9
Variation in the Fertilizer Requirements of Oil Palm in Peninsular Malaysia. I. Within the Same Soil Series
H.L. Foster and Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 15 (November 1987) p18 - 26
Ultraviolet-Visible Light Spectroscopy-Instrumental Parameters, Scope of Application and Experimental Precautions in the Analysis of Vegetable Oils
Chong Chiew Let

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 15 (November 1987) p11 - 17
Crystallization of Processed Palm Oil Upon Storage
Flingoh C.H. Oh, Zaliha Omar, Zukarinah Kamaruddin, Teh Su Kuan and Jarinah Johar

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 15 (November 1987) p7 - 10
Preliminary Study on the Treatment of Palm Oil Refinery Effluent Using a Horizontal Baffled Filter
Ma Ah Ngan