Oil Palm Bulletin No. 28 (May 1994) p20 - 29
Land application of palm oil mill effluent (POME) on oil palm using a tractor-tanker and flatbed system
KHALID Haron , ZIN Z Zakaria

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 28 (May 1994) p13 - 19
Guidelines on land application of palm oil mill effluent (POME)
ZIN Z Zakaria , KHALID Haron , HAMDAN Abu Bakar

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 27 (November 1993) p38 - 42
Expected Malaysian palm oil production 1995 and some consideration on factors affecting palm oil prices
CHOW Chee Sing

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 27 (November 1993) p25 - 37
Potential source of sterols from a palm kernel oil methyl ester residue of an oleochemical plant
OOI Tian Lye, LEONG Wan Leong , RADZUAN Jamaludin