Oil Palm Bulletin No. 21 (November 1990) p35 - 39
Design and evaluation of a Crane Fitted to a Mini-Tractor for Mechanical Loading of Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches
Abd Rahim Shuib, Abdul Halim Hassan and Ma Ah Ngan

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 17 (November 1988) p1 - 8
Oil Palm Yield Responses to P Fertilizer in Peninsular Malaysia
H.L. Foster, Ahmad Tarmizi Mohammed, Mohd. Tayeb Dolmat and Zin Z. Zakaria

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 12 (May 1986) p1 - 11
The effect of different methods of placement and frequency of application of fertilizer to oil palm on an inland soil in Peninsular Malaysia
H.L. Foster and Mohd tayeb Hj Dolmat

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 5 (November 1982) p1 - 17
Development of peat soil for oil palm planting in Malaysia – Johor Barat Agricultural Project as a case study
MOHD TAYEB Haji Dolmat

Oil Palm Bulletin No. 4 (May 1982) p46 - 56
The determination of oil palm fertilizer requirements in Peninsular Malaysia Part II:Effect of different environments