Oil Palm Bulletin No. 77 (November 2018) p14-18

The Importance of Sustainable Management for Common Oil Palm Insect Pests

Peter A C Ooi* and Norman Kamarudin**

The oil palm is an exotic plant from Africa that has contributed vastly to the national economy and development. Many of the insect pests on oil palm come from other native palms, in particular coconut palm. The outbreak of pests in coconuts is rare because the pests are usually controlled by their natural enemies. In recent times, the emergence of bagworms and the rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros, in oil palm has raised concerns of growers. Recent studies have shown that both bagworms and rhinoceros beetle can be managed by native microbials, including Bacillus thuringiensis, nudivirus and Metarrhizium sp. The current state of oil palm pest control requires the expansion and use of the pest management control and tactics in order to ensure long term control of insect pests to sustain the profitability of oil palm.

Sawit adalah tumbuhan eksotik dari Afrika yang telah banyak menyumbang kepada ekonomi dan pembangunan negara. Terdapat serangga perosak tanaman kelapa yang boleh merosakkan tanaman sawit. Serangan yang menyebabkan perosak merebak bagi perosak kelapa amat jarang berlaku kerana dikawal oleh musuh semulajadinya. Pada masa ini, ulat bungkus dan kumbang badak, menjadi perosak penting yang menimbulkan kebimbangan penanam sawit. Kajian terbaru menunjukkan bahawa ulat bungkus dan kumbang badak ini boleh diurus dengan mikrob asli seperti Bacillus thuringiensis, nudivirus dan kulat, Metarrhizium sp. Kawalan perosak tanaman sawit perlu diperluaskan dan taktik kawalan secara biologi haruslah dieksploitasi untuk memastikan kawalan jangka panjang serangga perosak demi kesinambungan tanaman sawit yang mapan.

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