Oil Palm Bulletin No. 62 (May 2011) p33-42

Safety and Efficacy of Palm-based Ingredients in Cosmetic and Personal Care Products

Zafarizal Aldrin Azizul Hasan, Zainab Idris, Rosnah Ismail and Hazimah Abu Hassan

Safety and efficacy evaluation of the active ingredients or the cosmetic products themselves is important to ensure customer safety, and to substantiate claims. As newly synthesized or extracted ingredients become available in the cosmetics and personal care industry, new cosmetics are continually being formulated to capture new market segments. The rapid development of new actives and formulated products has increased the demand for safety and efficacy evaluation so as to ensure the safe use and effectiveness of the products. Furthermore, safety and efficacy data are required by the regulating authority in order to ensure that the industry conforms to the cosmetic legislation. Palm-based cosmetics are formulated with oleochemicals and palm-based actives such as the tocopherol/tocotrienol fraction, dihydroxystearic acid and palm-based polyols. Although the components are mainly derived from plants, the palm-based cosmetics are also subjected to various safety and efficacy evaluations to ensure their safe use and to guarantee their efficacy.


ABSTRAK Ujian keselamatan dan keberkesanan bahan aktif dalam kosmetik atau produk kosmetik penting untuk melindungi keselamatan pengguna dan memastikan pernyataan berbukti. Apabila bahan sintesis atau bahan yang diekstrak semakin banyak dihasilkan untuk industri kosmetik dan dandanan diri, semakin banyak formulasi produk kosmetik baru dapat dihasilkan untuk memenuhi pasaran baru. Perkembangan pesat dalam pembangunan bahan aktif baru dan rumusan produk ini telah meningkatkan permintaan menjalankan ujian keselamatan dan keberkesanan produk. Selain itu, data keselamatan dan keberkesanan produk juga diperlukan oleh pihak berkuasa bagi memastikan industri kosmetik mematuhi peraturan perundangan. Produk kosmetik berasaskan sawit dirumus dengan menggunakan bahan oleokimia dan bahan aktif sawit seperti fraksi tokoferol/tokotrienol, asid dihidroksistearik dan poliol berasaskan sawit. Walaupun komponennya diperoleh daripada tumbuhan, namun produk kosmetik berasaskan sawit perlu juga diuji keselamatan penggunaannya dan juga untuk memastikan keberkesanannya.

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