Prediction of solid fat content in a palm-based fluid shortening production by FT-IR spectroscopy
MISKANDAR Mat Sahri * , CHE MAN, Y. B. + , ABDUL RAHMAN, R + , NOR AINI Idris * , MOHD SURIA AFANDI Yusoff **Crystal development during batch process of palm oil-based fluid shortening was determined using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) of Fourier Transform Infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The molten fat was cooled, heated and cooled again while agitating at constant speed. Samples for solid fat content (SFC) measurements by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and FT-IR spectroscopy were taken during the crystallization process at 20ºC and heating process at 30ºC. Standard samples having the best coefficient of determination (R2) and standard error of estimations were calibrated with the spectrum obtained by FT-IR spectroscopy using partial least square (PLS) chemometric analysis. They were then selected as the PLS model. The model was independently validated by leave one out method. It had an acceptable accuracy and repeatability with R2>, 0.9 at 20ºC and 30ºC, thus provided good SFC estimates during the production of palm oil-based fluid shortening. The method even though not as good as NMR, could be further studied as alternative way of measuring solid development during a fluid shortening production.
Pengesanan pembentukan hablur semasa pemprosesan lelemak cecair berasaskan sawit telah diperoleh dengan menggunakan Spektroskopi Transformasi Sinar-jingga Fourier (FT-IR) dengan jumlah refleksi dipermudah (ATR). Lemak yang cair telah disejukkan, dipanaskan dan kemudian disejukkan semula sambil diadukkan pada kelajuan yang seragam. Sampel untuk pengukuran kandungan lemak pejal (SFC) menggunakan alatresonan nuklear bermagnet (NMR) dan spektroskopi FT-IR telah diambil semasa proses penghabluran pada suhu 20ºC dan pemanasan pada suhu 30ºC. Sampel piawai yang menghasilkan penentuan korelasi pekali (R2) dan standard error of estimation telah dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan spektrum yang dihasilkan oleh spektroskopi FT-IR menggunakan analisis kemometrik partial least square (PLS). Sampel piawai ini telah dipilih sebagai model PLS. Model telah disahkan secara bebas menggunakan kaedah leave one out. Keputusan menunjukkan ketepatan dan ulangan R2>, 0.9 pada 20ºC dan 30ºC, lalu menghasilkan jangkaan SFC yang baik semasa pemprosesan lelemak cecair berasaskan sawit. Kaedah ini sungguhpun tidak sebaik NMR, namun, boleh dikaji lagi sebagai kaedah alternatif untuk mengukur pembentukan pepejal semasa pemprosesan lelemak cecair.
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