Oil Palm Bulletin No. 48 (May 2004) p24-30

Importance of water use efficiency (WUE) in oil palm productivity


The importance of water use efficiency in crop productivity including oil palm is discussed. Effects of water stress in oil palm e.g. sex ratio and fresh fruit bunch yield are also emphasized. The importance of photosynthesis proses and its limitations are also included. This review also includes carbon partitioning, hormonal effects e.g. absicic acid (ABA) and nutrient uptakein plants. Some of the parameters studied through physiological response pertaining to water status in plants are technically discussed.

Abstrak: Kepentingan keberkesanan penggunaan air dalam produktiviti tanaman termasuk sawit dibincangkan. Pengaruh ketegasan air dalam pertumbuhan sawit juga dihuraikan dengan mengambil kira kesan terhadap sawit seperti nisbah seks dan hasil tuaian. Kepentingan proses fotosintesis serta kekangan yang ada turut dimuatkan. Artikel ini juga merangkumi pengagihan karbon serta pengaruh hormon dalam tumbuhan seperti asid absisik (ABA) dan pengambilan nutrien. Beberapa parameter kajian tindak balas fisiologi terhadap status air bagi tumbuhan dihuraikan secara teknikal.

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