Oil Palm Bulletin No. 62 (May 2011) p1-11

Implications of Delayed Replanting of Old Palms

Azman Ismail and Mohd Arif Simeh

Accelerated replanting of ageing and less productive palms has been identified under the National Key Economic Area (NKEA) as a way forward to sustain the competitiveness of the Malaysian palm oil supply chain towards attaining the National High Income target. The increased proportion of old palms in the country, among other factors, has contributed to the stagnation of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield, which only averaged at 19.01 t ha-1 yr-1 over the last 20 years. The annual rate of oil palm replanting is rather slow at only 1.18%, which is attributed mainly to economic reasons, such as the prevailing higher FFB prices. This article, in highlighting the significance of replanting, the staggering accumulation of old and ageing palms, and the possible occurrence of a ‘rush to replant’, elucidates that there is a need for the industry to practice continued accelerated replanting at a rate of at least 155 000 ha yr-1.


ABSTRAK Mempercepatkan penanaman semula pokok sawit tua dan kurang produktif telah dikenal pasti di bawah bidang ekonomi utama nasional (NKEA) sebagai salah satu pendekatan untuk mengekalkan daya saing rantaian penawaran industri minyak sawit negara bagi mencapai sasaran pendapatan tinggi negara. Peningkatan peratusan pokok sawit tua di samping beberapa faktor lain telah dikenal pasti sebagai punca purata hasil buah tandan segar (BTS) tidak meningkat atau berada pada paras yang setara iaitu sekitar 19.01 t ha-1 thn-1 sejak 20 tahun yang lalu. Faktor ekonomi seperti harga BTS yang tinggi merupakan penyumbang utama kepada kadar tanam semula yang rendah iaitu sekitar 1.18% setahun. Selain menekankan kepentingan tanam semula pokok tua dan kemungkinan berlaku keadaan tanam semula secara serentak atau tergesagesa, artikel ini juga cuba menjelaskan kepentingan tanam semula secara berkala iaitu pada satu kadar sekurang-kurangnya 155 000 ha thn-1 bagi memastikan kesejahteraan industri sawit Negara terus dapat berkembang dan berdaya saing pada peringkat antarabangsa.

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