Enhancing field mechanization in oil palm management
ABD RAHIM Shuib , MOHD RAMDHAN Khalid , MOHD SOLAH DeramanAdvancements in field mechanization for the oil palm plantation industry have, over the years, involved the introduction of machines and implements that are adapted to local terrain conditions. A suitable choice of machines is dependant on land size, terrain conditions, management preferences and economic returns. Currently, mechanization approaches vary from plantation to plantation with the major aim of overcoming labour shortage. In the 1990s, due to restrictions in the importation of labour, many organizations embarked on mechanization. Various machines of different makes were field-tested by the plantations. Some were locally developed while others were imported. Some of these machines are still in commercial use. However, in the post- 2000 era, labour availability for the industry has eased through government-to-government arrangements on foreign labour supply, with the result that the pace of mechanization has slowed down. Though in-field transportation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) has progressed well, there is still room for improvement. This article discusses the intensification of work on mechanization in areas which mainly focus on in-field FFB evacuation and transportation of the harvested crop to the mill. Past and present experiences using various types of machines will be reported. On research and development, the article highlights some salient points to be considered to further intensify cooperation between the machine fabricator and the potential user, in the search for better machines for the future.
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