Comparison of the Effects of Different Types of P Fertiliser Applied to Oil Palm in Sumatra
M Mahadani Lubis*, Budi Martua Sitorus* and Foster, H L*Application of P fertiliser is essential to achieve optimal oil palm yield production throughout Sumatra. Two trials were carried out in Sumatra, one in the north on a typical acid volcanic soil dominated by rhyolite and the other in the south on a representative acid volcanic/sedimentary soil dominated by dacite, to determine the most suitable P fertiliser type in these locations. The trials compared the effects of triple super phosphate (TSP), Egyptian rock phosphate (ERP), Christmas Island rock phosphate (CIRP) and China rock phosphate (CRP), which have soluble P contents in that order, in conjunction with two rates of muriate of potash (MOP).
As expected from its highly soluble P content, TSP increased leaf and rachis P more effectively than all the other rock phosphates tested in both trials. Thus, in the trial in the north, rock phosphate is required at a higher P2O5 rate to achieve the same yield. A similar optimal yield and rachis P level in this trial was obtained at 1.9 kg TSP (0.9 kg P2O5), 4.5 kg CIRP (1.4 kg P2O5) and 3.4 kg CRP (1.0 kg P2O5) per palm per year. However, because TSP generally costs more than twice the costs of rock phosphates, it is usually more economic to use the latter.
In the trial in the south, both CIRP and ERP were surprisingly found to be as effective as TSP in increasing yield when applied at the same P2O5 rate, despite having less effect on leaf and rachis P levels. The optimal yields in this trial were obtained with 2.7 kg TSP (1.2 kg P2O5), 6 kg CIRP (1.8 kg P2O5) and 3.6 kg ERP (1.0 kg P2O5) per palm per year. At typical fertiliser prices, ERP was the most economic and TSP the least economic. The reason for the poorer performance of TSP in this trial is explained by its depressive effect on leaf K, due to its higher soluble Ca content (although it has a lower Comparison of the Effects of Different Types of P Fertiliser Applied to Oil Palm in Sumatra total Ca content). ERP, in contrast to CIRP, did not depress leaf K and increased rachis P more due to its higher soluble P content, so was the more effective rock phosphate fertiliser.
Although TSP is always more effective in increasing tissue P levels of oil palm, it is usually the poor choice as a P fertiliser due to its high cost and depressive effect on palm K status on soils low in reserve K (as in the south of Sumatra but not in the north). Any rock phosphate is usually a better choice than TSP and in these trials, ERP, which had a higher soluble P content, was the most effective and economic.
Aplikasi baja P penting untuk mencapai hasil pengeluaran sawit yang optimum di seluruh Sumatra. Dua kajian telah dijalankan di Sumatra, di bahagian utara di tanah asid gunung berapi biasa yang didominasi oleh riyolik (rhyolite) dan di tanah asid gunung berapi/tanah sedimentari di bahagian selatan yang didominasi oleh dasik (dacite), untuk menentukan jenis baja P yang paling sesuai di lokasi tersebut. Kajian ini membandingkan kesan penggunaan triple super phosphate (TSP), Egyptian rock phosphate (ERP), Christmas Island rock phosphate (CIRP) dan China rock phosphate (CRP), yang mempunyai kandungan P larut mengikut susunan dan kombinasi dengan dua kadar peletakan muriate of potash (MOP).
Seperti yang dijangka daripada kandungan P larut yang tinggi, TSP lebih berkesan meningkatkan kandungan P di daun dan rakis berbanding dengan rawatan batuan fosfat dalam dua kajian tersebut. Oleh itu, kajian di bahagian utara memerlukan batuan fosfat pada kadar P2O5 yang lebih tinggi untuk mencapai hasil yang sama. Hasil optimum dan tahap P rakis yang sama dalam kajian ini boleh diperoleh melalui penggunaan 1.9 kg TSP (0.9 kg P2O5), 4.5 kg CIRP (1.4 kg P2O5) dan 3.4 kg CRP (1.0 kg P2O5) per pokok setahun. Walau bagaimanapun, memandangkan kos TSP adalah lebih dua kali ganda daripada kos batuan fos fat, maka penggunaan batuan fosfat menjadi lebih ekonomik.
Dalam kajian di bahagian selatan, kesan CIRP dan ERP dalam meningkatkan hasil didapati sama seperti TSP apabila diaplikasi dengan kadar P2O5 yang sama, walaupun menunjukkan tahap kandungan P daun dan rakis adalah rendah. Hasil optimum dalam kajian ini diperoleh dengan penggunaan 2.7 kg TSP (1.2 kg P2O5), 6 kg CIRP (1.8 kg P2O5) dan 3.6 kg ERP (1.0 kg P2O5) per pokok setahun. Berdasarkan harga baja secara umum, penggunaan ERP adalah paling ekonomik manakala penggunaan TSP adalah sebaliknya. Punca kurang dengan kesan tekanan pada K daun, akibat kandungan Ca larut yang tinggi (walaupun mempunyai jumlah kandungan Ca yang rendah). Berbeza dengan CIRP, ERP tidak menimbulkan tekanan pada K daun tetapi lebih meningkatkan P rakis kerana kandungan P larut yang lebih tinggi, maka bertindak sebagai baja batuan fosfat yang lebih berkesan.
Walaupun TSP sentiasa didapati lebih berkesan dalam meningkatkan tahap P tisu sawit, namum ia tidak merupakan pilihan yang tepat sebagai baja P berikutan kos yang tinggi dan kesan tekanan pada K daun di tanah di mana kandungan K adalah rendah (seperti di selatan Sumatra tetapi tidak di kawasan utara). Sebarang batuan fosfat biasanya lebih berkesan berbanding dengan TSP dan dalam kajian ini, ERP yang mengandungi kandungan P larut yang paling tinggi, merupakan pilihan yang lebih berkesan dan ekonomik.
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