Oil Palm Bulletin No. 48 (May 2004) p1-10

Estimating maintenance respiration of oil palm


Maintenance respiration (MR) is normally the largest fraction of dark respiration in crop plants. MR of mature oil palm is difficult, if not impossible, to measure directly. However, it can be calculated from respiratory coefficients and standing crop biomass components. The derivation of the coefficients is described and examples are given of the MR of different organs and whole crops. Alternative derivations of MR are considered and an explanation provided for the observed declines in MR per unit biomass with increasing palm age and planting density.

Abstrak: Respirasi penyelenggaraan (MR) biasanya adalah pecahan terbesar respirasi gelap. MR sawit matang susah, jika tidak mustahil, diukur secara terus. Walau bagaimanapun, ia boleh dikira daripada pekali respirasi dan komponen biojisim tanaman. Cara pekali dihasilkan diterangkan dan contoh-contoh MR untuk keseluruhan pokok dan organ-organ berlainan juga diberi. Cara lain untuk mendapatkan MR dipertimbangkan dan penerangan diberi untuk penurunan MR seunit biojisim yang dilihat dengan peningkatan umur dan kepadatan tanaman sawit.

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